Next Stop: Hogwarts
During these times of social distancing, everyone has been searching for creative ways to stay engaged while at home. Our Strive2Thrive (S2T) program took things one step further by using their daily Zoom sessions to delve into the wizarding world of Harry Potter. With input from program participants, Alicia Pagan, a Family Support Specialist, was able to pull together a week of magical adventures for the group.
Which House do you belong to? The Sorting Hat quiz placed participants in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin. “I enjoyed being able to share our Hogwarts houses and patronesses and getting insight into what the quizzes shared about everyone. Also just seeing everyone share their own little tidbits of knowledge and more,” said S2T mentor Kiley.
“The Harry Potter Virtual Escape Room was my favorite especially when we accomplished the task together, ” said S2T participant David. Created by a youth services librarian for a local library in Pennsylvania, the Hogwarts Digital Escape Room gave participants the option to participate individually or with friends in a competition.
The wizarding festivities were topped off with a reading from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, thanks to Alisha from the LifeLinks CLASS Finance team.
Halle, a S2T member, explained why the activities were such a success, “I loved Harry Potter week because I was able to connect with my friends who love the Harry Potter franchise as well! I also liked how we toured The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter at Universal Studios on YouTube, and how we did Harry Potter Trivia because we worked as a team!”
Stay tuned to see what this innovative program comes up with next!