
Throughout its long history, Incompass has been a strong advocate for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

It is often attitudinal barriers that affect everyday life for people with developmental disabillities.  In addressing those bariers through positive awareness efforts, attitudinal barriers can be replaced with knowledge, understanding, and acceptance.

Path to Advocacy

Human Rights Committee

Self Advocates Group

Legislative Action

Human Rights Committee

The Incompass Human Rights Committee meets quarterly to review clinical services and general rights issues of persons served.  This volunteer committee is comprised of parents, community advocates, a registered nurse, and an attorney.  Topics reviewed by the committee have included how we are viewed in the community; successful management and education of the public about our cause and our individuals; how environments are adapted in our services to promote access while addressing safety concerns; and reviewing behavior interventions and investigations by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and the Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC) on incidents involving persons served by the agency. Meetings are attended by officers from each LifeLinks program site and a representative from DDS.

Self-Advocates Group

Incompass has a self-advocacy group that operates through the day habilitation program. Individuals from that group present at committee meetings and are members of MASS (Mass Advocates Standing Strong), a statewide organization started and governed by people with developmental disabilities. This group’s mission is to empower and educate self-advocates to make choices that improve and enrich their lives.

Legislative Action

Funding for programs supporting people with developmental disabilities is dependent on state budgets.  When families and friends of people with developmental disabilities stay informed about budget issues affecting the disabled and make their opinions known to state legislators, they can make a difference!  Click here to contact your Massachusetts state legislator.

On January 15, Nicky’s Law, also known as The Abuse Registry Bill, was passed in a unanimous vote by the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Read more here.

Pictured below: Thank you to legislators, like Representative Arciero, for their continuous support in passing Nicky’s Law. As well as dedicated community advocates like Linda, part of our Family Support team, and Anne who have worked tirelessly over the years.